Sunday, December 18, 2011

January 2011

January - January is faint in my mind the last thing I'm thinking of in these current hours right now whilst typing this I'm trying to think of everything that happened in January 2011, this is what I remember... Well it started off with wicked beginning with a huge NYE party and things from then started to hit bottom with my mother becoming more sick it was quite frightening with it all. My mum Denise had a sugery to try and get rid of what was causing her to be sick.. It helped only for a little while.. It was also my sisters 30th birthday on the 19th. Well thats my summary of January 2011

Monday, May 30, 2011

Why I Love My Mum

So my mum is very sick and has had to have a tracheostomy. A tracheostomy is where the person is unable to breathe for some reason such as amyloid or cancer and mum has been suffering from amyloid anyways a tracheostomy is making an incision on the anterior aspect of the neck and opening a direct airway through an incision in the trachea. In other words it means they put a hole in her neck and put a pipe in her trachea so she is able to breathe by herself and not having to always use a machine. Anyways as we went shopping the other day my mum received some weird looks.. they either laughed and told someone who they were with and then the person started looking at my mother weirdly... I was very upset with this.. How could they she is a human being like everybody else in the damn world and she must have some respect... Even though I was quite upset with this my mum just carried on not caring what anybody else thought about her... My mum is a true hero she is one amazing woman and smiles everyday through her hardest times this is why I love my mum.

Introducing Heritage Riding







Whiskey (again)

Bailey (my first pony)


Heritage Riding website:  

Sunday, May 29, 2011

More Equine Photography

Keely and Buddy

Kaitlyn and Jill

Keely and Buddy

Georgia and Whiskey

Footage of Keely riding Buddy at Figtree ODE

Random Photography

My Nephew Mitchell

My Nephew Mitchell

My Nephew Daniel

A flower

My Cat Izzy


My cat Izzy

Equine Photography

Keely and Buddy


My mini ponies Jaffa and Mintie

Keely and Buddy

Keely and Buddy

Comet & Buddy

Amelia and Clyde

Amelia and Clyde

My horse Joe


Keely and Buddy

I have fallen for the most amazing photography though... Equine photography. Equine photography is the photography of horses. I have been riding horses since i was 6 horse riding has become my life and will always play a major role in my whole life. The main person who i look up to for my photography is Alyce she rides at my riding school this is a link to her website:


For Christmas I got a fairly good camera and just fell inlove with the art of photography in this photo there is my camera and myself